Og:title Meta Tag
The title that will be displayed when this page is shared on social media.
The og:title meta tag is one of the Open Graph meta tags that is used by many apps to improve the display of content that is shared on their networks. The Open Graph protocol was invented by Facebook, but it is used by other social media sites and messaging apps, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Discord and Apple Messages. It is the standard way to control the preview of what people see when a URL is shared.
This particular meta tag is used to display the title of the page. Usually, this will match the page title set in the <title>
html tag, but you may want to slightly customize it for social sharing. To compliment the title, the og:description, og:url and og:image meta tags should also be used.
<meta property="og:title" content="My Page Title" />
There is no official recommendation for the length of the title, but the general recommendation is to keep it under 50 characters so that it won't get truncated on mobile devices. Another recommendation is to avoid including your site's branding and definitely don't stuff the title with keywords. This title is for human consumption, not search engines. Try to make this title, short, accurate and enticing.
For more information, please read our detailed Open Graph Meta Tag tutorial.
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