
Become a Subscriber and unlock the premium features listed below.

Automated Monitoring

With a Subscription, you can enable automatic re-validation. This will periodically run all 100+ tests in our suite and generate reports which will be emailed to you.

Screenshot showing an emailed report from ValidBot

Enhanced Tests

Certain tests are reserved for our Subscribers. For example, do you want to validate a subdomain of your website? Are there some tests that you don't care about that you wish you could disable? You can with a subscription! Get the most comprehensive reports by becoming a Subscriber today!

More Frequent Tests

A free account is limited to 1 audit per day. If you want to iterate quickly and re-test your site after making changes, you'll need more frequent reports. Subscribers can run reports once an hour.

Private Reports

By default, anyone can run a report and view your site's results. As a Subscriber, you will have the option of blocking this, so only you can view reports.

Priority Queue

Get a priority queue for your site audits, so you don't have to wait as long to get results.

Historical Results & Graphs

View the test history for your website with pretty charts and graphs showing changes and trends. See how your results are improving over time and how changes to your site affect performance. Discover opportunities for improving security, speed and stability.

Sample graphs showing report scores over time


ValidBot will periodically poll your website and make sure there are no outages, errors or any degradation in speed. You'll be notified if there is a problem.

Sample healthcheck graph showing response time


When running an Automated Report, if we detect that there is a problem with your site, you will receive an email with specifics about the issue, so you can fix the error.

If your domain registration or SSL certificate are about to expire, you won't be caught by surprise. Did a recent change negatively affect your PageSpeed? Get notified.

Ready to subscribe? Click the button at the top of the page to get started.

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