Open Graph Tag Validator

Use this tool to perform a scan and validation checkup of your website's open graph meta tags.

Open Graph Meta Tags
Open Graph Meta Tags Validator

When your users share your website on social media, a preview of the webpage will be displayed so readers will be able to get an idea of what they are clicking on. The title, image and description that appear in this preview can be controlled by the Open Graph Meta Tags that are placed on your website. The tool on this page will scan your website for Open Graph Meta Tags and show you an overview of what you currently have, and report any errors.

Enter the URL of your webpage or your website's XML sitemap file. This tool will fetch your webpages and output a report of the social media open graph tags that you are currently using.

A URL to a single webpage
Become a Subscriber to unlock bulk scanning functionality. By entering the URL to your sitemap file, ValidBot will scan the top 100 pages from your website looking for errors in your Open Graph Meta Tags.
ValidBot can test your website

Validate Your Website

Use the above tool to manually audit your open graph meta tags used by social media and communication apps. If you want a comprehensive audit of your website that looks for all sorts of problems, use the form below.